Human Resources

Company culture

The Entrepreneurial spirit is in the DNA of Mayco International. We desire people who are dedicated to hard work; who are creative, independent thinkers. At Mayco International, employees are encouraged to work as a team to maximize their potential and expand their horizons.

Mayco International

Company culture

Over the years we have learned that by diversifying our products and technologies, we strengthen our place in the market.

We recognize the same is true within our teams. By encouraging a diverse community at every level of the company, we create strong teams with deep pools of knowledge and experience from which to draw.

We recognize the value of every person in the process and supply chain. As a world-class manufacturer, the company values input from employees at all levels.

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Mayco International is dedicated to hard work, creativity, and independent thinking.

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Open door policy

The Company invites open communication between employees and management. We realize that our employees will want the opportunity to discuss procedures or policies that affect them. We strongly encourage all of our team members to maintain open communication with their supervisor or manager in every circumstance.

the core

Our Values

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The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision. —Helen Keller

The importance of vision can never be underestimated. The proverbs writer links it directly to survival, “Where there is no vision the people perish.” Hopefulness itself comes from vision and Mayco International looks to the future of manufacturing with great hope and excitement as new lighter and more sustainable materials are developed to be used for new technologies and products that excite the imagination. We embrace the future and envision Mayco International as playing a continuous role through innovative ideas and practical solutions for our ever-changing world.

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Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right is the highroad to pride... —Margaret Thatcher

We are proud of our company. Proud that we continue to do what is right no matter how difficult, and proud that we continuously grow and improve by doing so. Discipline and dedication to being the best make us proud and spur us on to greater heights. Having fun being the best and proving it, is a dynamic source of pride for all of us here at Mayco International.

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It's not what we have in our life, but who we have in our life that counts. —J.M. Laurence

Mayco International respects families. Families work together for common goals. There is so much satisfaction with harnessing the energy of a group of people to solve a problem or simply meet the requirements of the day. Our Mayco family has this privilege. More importantly, our company understands that all of the efforts put forth here at work are the means to the greater end of supporting and strengthening families in turn strengthening the community. Relationships matter most and Mayco International will always value Family.

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It takes less time to do a thing right than to explain why you did it wrong. —Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Mayco believes that “to do something right” is universally understood. While there are differences of opinion on the mechanics of getting a job done, there is a shared consensus on what it means to do the right thing at the right time. On the rare occasions where there is a question of what is right or wrong, our code of ethics and open door policy allow our employees to openly discuss issues to prevent a culture of secrets. Integrity is commonly defined as being honest, trustworthy, and upright but an equally viable definition of integrity is the “quality or state of being complete or undivided”. Integrity is the natural lynchpin or glue that holds us all together and allows us to do the right things to grow our company and provide our customers with outstanding products.

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We're always on the lookout for talented and passionate individuals to join our team. If you don’t see a current opening that’s the perfect fit, we’d still love to hear from you!

If you are interested in joining the Mayco International team, please visit our online application and apply today!

Company Policies